1. IV Nutritional Therapy

IV therapy is the fastest and easiest way to correct nutritional deficiencies so that you can get your energy back and feel your best. IV Nutrition Therapy is a form of IV treatment that supplies the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals to replenish deficiencies or aid in healing. The nutrients get delivered through a liquid solution from an IV line,

PICC line, or port.

2. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are artificial hormones that are similar to the hormones produced by the human body. They are used as treatment for people whose own hormones are low

or unbalanced. Some people benefit from bioidentical hormones,

but there are risks to treatment.

3. Nutritional Detoxes

Detox diets are generally short-term dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. Sometimes a detox also includes herbs, teas, supplements, and colon

cleanses or enemas.

1. IV Nutritional Therapy

IV therapy is the fastest and easiest way to correct nutritional deficiencies so that you can get your energy back and feel your best.


  • Are you feeling fatigued and struggling to get through your workday?

  • Have you noticed more aches and pains that are unusual and just don’t feel like yourself?

  • Is it harder to recover from your regular workout?

  • Have you also noticed that you’re moodier than normal and dealing with a bit of brain fog too?

It could be that you are dealing with nutritional deficiencies leaving your body feeling drained and unable to function
optimally. This may come as a surprise, but most people suffer from nutrient deficiencies and don’t even know it! They may believe that it’s just stress or symptoms of getting older when they don’t have the energy they used to.


Due to gut imbalances, poor diet, constant stress, and even
coping with pollution in your environment, you can become nutrient deficient.

Taking medications on a regular basis, pesticides in food, beauty products, and even in your “everyday products” used at home can also drain your body of vitamins and minerals needed for normal function.

Why Try IV Therapy?

Intravenous nutritional therapy replenishes essential missing nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Unlike supplements, IV therapy bypasses the digestive system for faster absorption so you can start feeling the effects of the treatment right away.

Replenishing your stores of nutrients can restore your energy but also help to fortify your immune function and help you to become more resilient to illnesses like the common cold.


Being nutrient deficient can literally feel like you’re operating in slow motion and many symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and brain fog simply vanish after receiving IV therapy.


IV therapy can also help to protect your organs, including your skin, and help to improve healing post-surgery and post-workout, ease constipation, and prevent kidney stones.

Supplements vs. IV Therapy

While oral supplementation and eating certain foods may help, it can take up to two days for your digestive system to properly digest foods. It may also be a challenge to consume sufficient quantities of certain foods to satisfy the deficiency. While standard oral supplementation can also help, IV therapy is superior because you can begin to feel the positive effects almost instantly.


Certain medical issues and some medications can also block oral supplementation

while IV therapy is absorbed quickly and more effortlessly by your body. In fact, within several hours,

you can start to feel energized and feel the effects of the IV nutrients, right after your session.

IV Therapy Offered

  • Super Immune Boost

  • High dose Vitamin C

  • IV Ozone/UBI (This can be very helpful in a variety of conditions such as: Chronic Fatigue, chronic Lyme’s Disease, Epstein Barr Virus, autoimmune disorders, amongst others.)

  • Personalized IV therapies

  • Hydration

  • Glutathione

What to Expect with IV therapy

  • IV infusions typically take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. You will be comfortably seated during the entire session and can relax, enjoy your favorite book, or listen to some soothing music. Depending on the therapy you choose, higher-dose therapies can take slightly longer.

  • IV therapy is not painful — just a slight pinch from a fine needle stick to insert the IV needle, similar to a blood draw experience. Wear loose-fitted, comfortable clothing.

  • Arrive well hydrated and feel free to bring a water bottle with you to sip during the treatment. Please use the restroom before the session begins.

  • As some infusions may affect blood sugar, please eat 1 to 2 hours before your session. If you are diabetic, monitor your insulin dosage and bring snacks with you to your appointment.

  • During your therapy, it is normal to feel relaxed and notice increased energy along with the decrease in allergies

    later in the day.

After your therapy, you can expect more energy

in the following days, feeling renewed

and enjoying more mental clarity.

2. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and are converted into chemical structures that precisely match the human hormones manufactured by the body. The plant-derived bioidentical hormones function exactly the same as the hormones the body makes and in fact, the body recognizes them as if they were actually produced by the ovaries.

When Do Hormone Symptoms Start?

As women approach their thirties, hormones begin to decline, thus triggering symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. These same early imbalances can cause weight gain, headaches, lack of sex drive, or depression, just to list a few.


Unfortunately, it does not get any better as women move into their forties and fifties when new symptoms can add to their dilemma such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, foggy thinking, or insomnia. Left unattended, some types of hormone imbalances can result in bone loss, breast cysts, uterine fibroids, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Who Do Hormone Problems Affect?

All women are prime candidates for hormone imbalance. If you are experiencing some of the previously mentioned symptoms, you are not alone. In fact, there are an estimated 40 million women in the United States in menopause. Additionally, 80% to 90% of all women report PMS symptoms.

What Causes Hormone Problems?

Hormone imbalance stems from several different factors that commonly affect women, including:

  • Age-related decline of estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone

  • Stress triggered changes in adrenal hormones, DHEA, and cortisol

  • Significant weight gain or loss

  • Significant weight gain or loss

  • Failure to ovulate or ovarian dysfunction

  • Other glandular dysfunctions such as thyroid or blood sugar problems

  • Non-bioidentical hormones – HRT or any type of synthetic hormones including birth control pills

  • Xenoestrogens- hormone-like synthetic chemicals in the environment or food supply

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and are converted into chemical structures that precisely match the human hormones manufactured by the body. The plant-derived bioidentical hormones function exactly the same as the hormones the body makes and in fact, the body recognizes them as if they were actually produced by the ovaries.


To be clear, there is no difference between the hormones the ovaries make, and the bioidentical hormones used in BHRT.

BHRT has a long history of safe and successful use, specifically in Europe where they have been used for over 65 years.

What Is HRT and Synthetic Hormones?

HRT stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy, which does not usually consist of hormones biologically identical to those our bodies produce.

Instead, HRT is comprised of synthetic and/or animal-derived hormones. We refer to them as non-bioidentical.


Since non-bioidentical hormones differ in molecular structure from those the human body produces, they do not function exactly like endogenous human hormones. Nor do our bodies process them the same way.


These non-bioidentical hormones are similar enough to mimic some of the activities of the human hormones they are replacing but only in a clumsy way.


While they perform some of the vital functions of endogenous hormones, they can cause problems that human-produced hormones do not. We know these problems are side effects, which vary depending on the type of non-bioidentical hormone.

What Can Bioidentical Hormones Do for You?

Bioidentical hormones -estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone have demonstrated many benefits such as:

  • Decreases menstrual bleeding and spotting

  • Increases metabolism

  • Protects against cancer, especially breast cancer

  • Helps prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease

  • Improves brain function

  • Reduces water retention

  • Reduces irritability and anxiety

  • Helps reduce hormonal headaches/migraines

  • Reduces carbohydrate cravings

  • Helps restore normal sleep patterns

  • Regulates the menstrual cycle

  • Reduces vaginal dryness

  • Slows bone loss

  • Protects the heart

  • Slows aging

  • Uplifts mood

  • Lowers LDL/raises HDL

  • Adds moisture to the skin

  • Enables brain function

Note: These results are not demonstrated by synthetic hormones in HRT.

Nutritional Detoxes- it all begins in the gut

Understanding unique nutritional deficiencies and the optimal detoxification support 

needed for your body is a crucial aspect for optimal health and weight loss.

The Importance of Proper Detox

There is a mind-boggling amount of environmental toxins that impact your body each and every day. Our environment has become incredibly polluted over the last 50 years, brought on by industrial farming practices and general pollution of air, land, and sea. When you pair this with stealth infections and compromised gut health, it’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to your health.


Additionally, we are exposed to many more man-made chemicals (so-called xenobiotics ) today – present in medications, beauty products, cleaning supplies, and residual pesticides in foods – seriously increasing nutrient requirements for proper detox!


You see, without consistent detoxification support, these toxins accumulate inside your body, ultimately triggering more serious disorders that affect hormone balance, digestion, joint health, and proper mental function.

Yet oftentimes, people dealing with these ailments will turn to medications to merely address symptoms – without addressing the true root cause of their chronic disease and merely adding to their toxic load!

Stuck and Can't Lose Weight?

We find that a client’s microbiome and impaired gut health are some of the key stumbling blocks keeping them from losing stubborn weight.


The bacteria that make up our microbiome help digest our food, protect our immune system, fight harmful bacteria and viruses, and produce important nutrients like B12, thiamine (B1) and riboflavin. They also produce important neurotransmitters that allow for proper brain function (this is why people with poor gut health report brain fog). So, when people attempt to lose weight without also addressing underlying digestive and hormonal imbalances, it makes it next to impossible to lose that stubborn weight.


That’s why unlike in conventional practices, our functional medicine-based approach to detox and weight loss is a far more in-depth approach:


Our goal is to unlock vibrant health for our clients by giving them medically backed cleansing strategies to rid their bodies of toxins and promote a healthy diet and lifestyle that they can use for a lifetime. We also include in-depth testing to see where their digestive or hormonal imbalance lies, so we can craft a personalized treatment plan unique to each client’s individual needs.


Depending on your situation, we may also recommend intermittent fasting protocols like Prolon to regenerate stem cells, slow the aging process, protect against chronic illness, improve skin tone, and aid in easier weight loss.

Digestive Disorders

No one is immune from the occasional stomachache, but when bloating, gassiness, diarrhea or constipation become the norm… it’s time to investigate. Some physicians even go so far as to declare that all diseases start in the gut!

At Kaya Health & Wellness, our expert team is trained to investigate the symptoms and causes of your chronic digestive disorder and assemble an effective treatment plan that’s supported by the appropriate lab tests.

If you have been experiencing chronic symptoms that may be connected

with digestive problems and are looking for answers,

schedule an appointment today!

About Lab Tests

  • Most lab tests ordered by a Kaya Health & Wellness can be included with your plan according to NJ Laws established. For those not included, clients are required to pay laboratories directly.

  • The specific tests ordered will be personalized to you based on your initial evaluation with a Kaya Health & Wellness doctor and may include blood, saliva, urine, or stool testing.

  • We will make every effort to make you fully aware of any additional lab fees that may be incurred and to give you the opportunity to choose which lab tests you feel comfortable paying for.

  • You are under no obligation to purchase any speciality testing. Should any lab results indicate you may need further testing you will be directed to continue your care with your primary care physician or a relevant specialist.

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Mailing Address:

Kaya Health & Wellness

252 Broad Street Suite 2

Red Bank, NJ 07701

P: 732-734-3106

E: info@khwell.com



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